Long, long ago, in a remote village nestling in a forest on the Konkan
coast, there lived a poor Brahmin priest who had a daughter and a son. Being
poor, they lived off the forest where the trees and the plants amply supplied
their simple needs with fresh fruits, roots and leafy vegetables.
The children grew up strong and
healthy. When the girl came of age, her father started looking for a suitable
groom for his beautiful lass. Wherever he went, he met with a demand for a
dowry, which clearly, was beyond his means.
Finally, a
visiting relative took pity on the poor Brahmin and said, “Well, a wealthy
priest of my town has a good looking son who should suit your daughter. Only,
he’s a little wanting in intellect but quite good natured and the best thing
is, his people are not asking for a dowry.”.
Soon, one
discussion led to another and the marriage was celebrated with a feast, as
grand as the poor Brahmin could afford. The newlyweds were taken to the groom’s
town, the groom riding a horse and the girl in a palanquin with musicians in
Three days
passed by. On the fourth day, as is the custom among Konkani Brahmins, the
girl’s brother set off to his sister’s to bring the newlyweds back home on a
visit for a few days. By the time they arrived, it was nightfall. It was
raining heavily and the party was famished.
priest’s wife had prepared many delicacies for her dear daughter and her only son-in-law.
The sweet and spicy flavours of several mouthwatering dishes filled the air. The bashful new groom
felt he could gulp down a cartload of food. Banana leaves were spread and hot
rice was served with a dollop of fresh ghee. Soon, one delicacy after the other
was placed on the leaf.
The simple,
new, town-bred son-in-law had never tasted such yummy wild dishes before. One
side dish in particular entranced him more than the others. He wanted to eat
more and more of it. After eating three servings, he thought to himself, “What
will they think of me if I ask for more?”. He asked his wife aside in a
whisper, “What is this dish?”. She whispered back, “Kirlu”. Again, he asked, “What?”. She murmured “Kirlu” once
more and jerked her head towards the bamboo blinds (curtains) hanging in front
of the verandah. He could not make head or tail of it.
Tired after
the long journey, they all went to sleep. The day dawned not with the crow of
the cock, but with the shriek of the priest’s daughter. For she found herself
alone in the room, which was latched from outside. Soon everybody woke up.
There was
no trace of the son-in-law. As they came out, they found to their surprise and
dismay, the bamboo blinds had disappeared entirely, and the verandah was
dripping wet from the blowing rain. The question was – should they laugh or
A clump of medium sized bamboo
growing in our backyard
This story
is about perhaps the tastiest of all vegetables – the tender bamboo shoot.
Known as ‘Kirlu’ in Konkani and ‘Mulankoombe’ in Malayalam, it is indeed the
most beloved vegetable of the Konkani people; especially so as it is available
only once a year, during the beginning of the monsoon (rainy) season, in the
months of July and August. This is precisely why the elder Konkanis practice
the art of salting and pickling kirlu, jackfruit, mango and other edibles in
Bamboo, a
member of the vast grass family, is one of the quickest growing plants in the
world, for it often grows above 90 cm. a day and can reach several storeys of
height. There are short decorative bamboos like the Buddha bamboo or the variegated
bamboo as well as tall bamboos like the ‘Aeni mula’or ladder bamboo which are
used to make long, single-pole ladders for harvesting pepper growing on vines
clinging to tall trees.
There are
bamboos which are no more than reeds, thinner than pencils growing alongside
huge clumps of ‘Ana mula’ or elephant bamboos, with each column as thick as a
bucket. Bamboos are used as building material in several countries. People make
baskets, ornaments, musical instruments, mats, furniture, implements and even
fishing nets with bamboo. Textile and paper industries are large consumers of
The giant
panda, the red panda of Nepal, the bamboo lemurs of Madagascar, the chimpanzees
and the mountain gorillas of Africa, as well as the elephants of Asia all love
to eat Bamboo. It is perhaps the people of the Konkan coast who have mastered
the art of making dozens of delicious dishes of tender bamboo.
So too,
many people of Kerala living in or near forests, especially in the districts of
Wayanad, make delicious mulayari payasam – a sweet dessert made with bamboo
rice. The Nepalese and the Chinese too consume large quantities of tender
bamboo shoots, having lived in close proximity to bamboo forests for
I wish to
share with you some of my finest bamboo recipes as well as the art of processing,
salting and pickling tender bamboo shoots.
Bamboo shoots coming up on
either side of the clump
bamboo shoots are harvested from beneath the bamboo plants using a sharp
machete (an axe or cleaver will do). Ideally, a foot (30 cm) tall shoot gives more
tender portions for cooking. However, for tall, stalwart varieties, one can
collect even 4 foot (1 metre) tall
shoots too. Green bamboos are tastier, crispier and better for salting than
yellow bamboos which are comparatively softer and get mushy when salted.
Freshly harvested tender
bamboo shoots
To cut
Weigh and set
aside a suitable, airtight container for salting. Keep a vessel half full of
water nearby. Several types of bamboo shoots are covered with minute, shiny,
sharp hairs that stick to your skin. It is better for inexperienced beginners
to use a pair of gloves before taking up the bamboo shoots for cutting.
The bamboo shoots are encircled by
sheets of thick leaves. Draw a fine line all around the base of the sheath with
a sharp knife and grasping the outer, upper portion of the sheath, simply pull
down and discard it. Remove the other sheaths too, one by one, likewise.
Now start cutting up the bamboo,
starting from the base, discarding the inedible harder portions that are
difficult to cut. Cut the tender portions roughly into chunks and put them
straight into the airtight container, ready for salting.
As you start approaching the tip, you
will find that the shoot is getting whiter and more and more tender. It is having
plenty of tender leaves too. Chop the tender stem portions as well as the white
tender leaves finely into thin juliennes and drop them straight into the water.
The very tip of the shoot is hard
as plastic and is to be discarded. Process the rest of the shoots too in the
same manner. Once you do two or three shoots, you will get quite proficient.
To process:
The sap of most bamboo
shoots contain a substance called taxiphillin (cyanogenic glycoside). Whereas
animals which live on a diet of bamboo are able to digest bamboo together with
its sap, such is not the case with the human digestive system. So humanity
simply had to devise some easy means to consume safely this marvelous
One only needs
to soak the finely chopped tender bamboo shoots for 48 hours, taking care to
change the water thrice daily. This leeches out the bitter taxiphillin, leaving
the bamboo ready to cook.
To salt:
As wild bamboo
shoots are available only in season, salting needs to be carried out in such a
fashion, that the salted bamboo stays fresh and nice for at least a year. When
you do it this way, it stays good for well over 3 years in room temperature so
long as the airtight container is kept undisturbed. If you are opening it in
between, use only a clean, dry ladle to take out the chunks.
Weigh the tender bamboo chunks (you
can weigh them together with the pre-weighed airtight container and then deduct
its weight). For every 350 gm. of bamboo, you require 100 gm. of powdered salt
(ratio – 3.5: 1). Tip in the required salt, close the lid and shake the
container vigorously and thoroughly so that the powdered salt sticks to all the
chunks. Store it in a cool dark place.
To desalt:
Before use,
the salted chunks need to be washed and soaked in water overnight. Soak them in
plenty of water (at least 5 times the volume of the bamboo) for around 12 hours
to get desalted tender bamboo chunks ready for cooking.
3 year old, salted bamboo
bamboo dishes:
the Konkani people are used to eating Kirlu by making kirla nonché, kirla sukké,
kirla bhojjo, kirla upkari, kirlu ambada ghashi, kirla sanna polo, kirlu dhanya
bendi and gantiyé ghashi. I am hoping to share with you all these dishes
(depending upon availability of hog plums – they are a bit difficult to obtain
here in Wayanad and our trees are still too young to bear fruit) one by one
together with a few more, surprisingly good, new creations. Till then!